seem to figure out the copyright protection on
Ultima7? Or maybe you lost your Ultima7 map, and
you can't figure out the coordinates for the
places that Finnigan asks for? No problem, here
are nearly all of the answers. You will need to
beat this copyright protection in order to leave
Trinsic and beat the game.
order to get out of Trinsic, do these things:
the stables to the north, and find the
Go to the
Blacksmith's house (upper west side, 2
story house), and open the chest and take
the gold. (note that fellowship medallion).
Talk to
Spark. He'll talk of a man with a Hook.
Go to the
infirmary, talk to the guard who was on
duty at the time, and he'll mention a
ship called the Crown Jewel.
Talk to
the shipwright, Gargan, about the Crown
talk to the head of the Fellowship about
the murder.
the mayor your findings.
for the answers to the copyright protection, here
are most of them:
of Buccaneer's Den -- 60, Longitude of
Buccaneer's Den -- 60
Latitude of Great Forest -- 60, Longitude
of Great Forest -- 30
Latitude of Dagger Isle -- 0
Latitude of Skara Brae -- 30, Longitude
of Skara Brae -- 60
Latitude of Spektran -- 120, Longitude of
Spektran -- 90
Longitude of Terfin -- 120, Latitude of
Terfin is 150
Latitude of Jhelom -- 120, Longitude of
Jhelom -- 60
Latitude of Serpents Hold -- 150,
Longitude of Serpents Hold -- 60
Latitude of Avatar Isle -- 150, Longitude
of Avatar Isle -- 180
Latitude of Britian -- 0, Longitude of
Britian -- 0
Latitude of Paws -- 0
Latitude of Trinsic -- 0, Longitude of
Trinsic -- 90
Latitude of Cove -- 0, Longitude of Cove
-- 60
Latitude of Vesper -- 0, Longitude of
Vesper -- 120
Latitude of Minoc -- 90, Longitude of
Minoc -- 60
Latitude of New Magincia -- 90, Longitude
of New Magincia -- 120 |